
Nigeria is God’s own country like no other. It is the land of God’s enormous natural and human endowments. It is a land that flows with milk and honey where matchless economic opportunities ought to abound. But this country which is destined to be a great nation has been rubbished of its glory by the ruling elites who have recklessly mismanaged its stupendous oil wealth and human resources through the past decades till date.

Unlike some oil-rich countries like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Canada, UAE and others, Nigeria’s oil wealth has not significantly improved its economy and the wellbeing of the ordinary people (the masses). Rather, top government functionaries have remained the only beneficiaries as embezzlers. As a result, Nigeria which ought to be the land of abundant riches and opportunities has now turned a land of scarcity, extreme poverty, economic hardship and chronic hopelessness.

Regardless of its vast oil wealth, abundant farmlands and enormous natural and human resources, Nigeria still leads the world today, as the headquarters of extreme poverty. This artificial poverty is created by the ruling elites through bad governance and reckless treasury looting. As it stands today, hope no longer exists in Nigeria for millions of teens, youths and young adults because they have been overpowered by their social and economic predicaments. Beyond their present economic quagmire, they have also lost confidence in the possibility of a meaning future ahead of them.

Nigeria’s recurring economic retrogression has rendered millions of youths hopeless and frustrated, as well as several other older Nigerians, especially women, who struggle daily for household economic survival (the economic survival of their families). Current social and economic realities have shown that millions of Nigerians have lost hope in their country. Consequently, our best brains are leaving the shores of Nigeria in their large numbers in search of economic opportunities and these also include our best professionals. The great damage done to our country by the ruling elites must be repaired but largely by the same young people who they have impoverished and economically incapacitated for decades.

Though the ruling elites have badly damaged our country but still not beyond political and economic redemption. With our large youth population, we have a golden opportunity to transform Nigeria’s youth bulge into a demographic dividend by giving Nigerian youths the political and economic platforms to pursue self-actualization and largely participate in fixing Nigeria’s problem of bad political leadership and in the rebuilding of its broken economy. The existing necessity to provide such political and economic platforms for youths and women is the reason for the creation of Hope For Our Generation Economic Empowerment Coalition (HOGEEC).

With our 84 million hectares of fertile farmlands, our large population and our vast natural and human resources, Nigeria still remains the land of hope and abundant economic opportunities but only when youths and women are given the platform to fully participate in shaping good political leadership and driving economic productivity and development, thereby reclaiming and rebuilding Nigeria’s greatness. The need to provide the required political and economic platforms for inclusive engagement of youths and women in Nigeria’s economic emancipation and national development is the key factor that inspired the formation of Hope For Our Generation Economic Empowerment Coalition (HOGEEC). It is a grassroots youth-and-women-centered economic self-emancipation and national economic development membership association.

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